Health Club
Health Club

I asked myself, "Where do women over 50 go to be healthy, fit and lose weight as they enter menopause?

I asked myself, "Where do women over 50 go to be healthy, fit and lose weight as they enter menopause?

I am a personal fitness trainer.

20 years ago, when I was in my 30’s I was asked to trial a fitness program to help older woman get back in shape – This was the start of my love affair helping women over 50 with their health and fitness that has lasted over 2 decades.

My own menopause journey really hit me. I was having sleepless nights due to hot flushes. I was tired, grumpy, and emotional. My hair was falling out and I had slight incontinence not to mention sore joints. My doctor connected the dots and after reaching out to my clients and friends I realised this was all too common. The reality was I was a part of the community of 5 million+ women in Australia alone suffering menopausal symptoms with a lack of education, and support. So, I asked, “How can I help myself and other women in their 50’s and beyond feel good in their bodies, health, and fitness. This led me on a journey of discovery.

I created Live Longer Online Health Club and my life changing programs - the 12 Week Lean Body System, Age~Less, Fit Fast and Fabulous and the 4 Week Waist Whittler.

I believe sharing well researched latest education, exercises and eating plans that support the science around slowing down the effects of ageing, a woman over 50 can take the ‘confusion’ out of menopause, spark a curiosity around her health and fitness creating a happy outlook that embraces this stage in our life achieving real results that last.

Symptoms like hot flushes, no energy, weight gain, lack of strength, injuries, chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, blood pressure, poor bone density and bladder leaks should not stop us from getting back ‘in the best shape of our life’.

I now choose to share my 30+ years of knowledge with you.

My mission is to create a place for women going through menopause that feels like coming home, that is, feeling accepted, embraced, and surrounded by those that truly care.

Welcome home,

I look forward to becoming your health and wellness coach,

mentor, friend, and support person.

Dana Eden

About Dana Eden

I Am a Personal Trainer

I've been a personal fitness trainer for 3 decades and I now show women over 50 how to get transformational results for their bodies through exercising to speed up their metabolism, get back their body shape and regain their fitness... yes even during menopause.

We turn slow metabolisms into fat fighting, energy making, tone bodies. With the right strategies and processes, you'll know what to eat to create results, when to move and when to rest and most importantly what to focus on, what gives you maximum results in minimum time and sustainable long term results. As part of our tribe you will be able to eliminate the guesswork and turn back the clock on the effects of ageing - quickly and safely. Join our team. Your health is important to me.

Dana Eden

Fitness Programs for Women 50+
Eating Plans That Work
Live Workouts and Coaching

Transform Your Body And Regain Your Health Starting Right Now!

Free Weight Loss Guide

 5-Day Anti-Ageing Detox 

Work With Me One-On-One

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