5 Day Anti-Ageing Detox

Detox your body safely and sustainably with the right foods and workouts proven to increase energy, improve digestion and bring your hormones into harmony again.

Detox Meal Plan & Recipes 
Daily workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home 
Weight loss advice from me specifically for women 50+
A renewed feeling of energy and wellbeing
A supportive community of women enjoying health together
Bonus: How To Strengthen Your Self Discipline Muscle Training

Happy Clients

Kathie B

"Thanks for the tips and the workout this morning . I feel fantastic and it’s only day 2 in detox. So thanks again for this and know all the other 200 that joined in are doing well. So keep going ladies we can all do this!"

Tricia L

"My accomplishment has been that I’ve stuck to the food program and done the exercise. I had a sneaky weigh and I’m down a kiloHad chicken broccoli salad last night - it was delicious. And the cauliflower dish is already a firm favourite. Feeling good because I am prepared with the food."

Donna G

"I feel so good knowing I've done something positive for myself and my health and well-being 💪"

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